Friday, May 27, 2011

moving on

This is going to be a lot of random thoughts- not surprising if you know me at all. That's just how my brain works. But I'm talking really sporadic (like ranging from One Tree Hill to yearning for God's word to moving to Africa).

First (and of least -actually zero- importance). I've been TiVo-ing One Tree Hill at my dad's because it gives me something to watch (even though I've seen every episode at least once) when I'm here dog-sitting. I'm done for now but will be back for two weeks soon. Anyway, one episode a day comes on the Soap Net, and I got back today to look at it and it has recorded FIVE episodes already today. Talk about some excitement.

Next, I had lunch with a dear friend of mine Thursday before she headed off to Frontier, and we had one of the best heart-to-hearts I've had with anyone in a long time. For the first time, I'm ready to leave the mess of this past semester behind me and move on. I'm ready to seek what God has been teaching me through the trials and work on loving others as He would. I'm ready to restore friendships and focus on Christ. I'm ready to find joy and strength in Him. I'm ready to forgive.

Lastly, I've only just begun reading Radical, but I can already tell it's going to change my life. I hope I never forget these truths that so often slip my mind in day-to-day life. I am thankful for the opportunity to talk about this book and my heart with Amy by the pool yesterday. She told me that I should put the book down if I wasn't ready to head to Africa because this book is just going to strengthen that desire... and it already is.

Join me in praying for my sweet, sweet friends that are leading kids at Frontier this week, as well as praying for my high school friends and theirs that they are taking. I can't wait to hear all about their experiences. Pray that hearts will be changed and that kids will hear and respond to the gospel in a new way.

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