Thursday night I just read some to get that out of the way.
Friday I didn't do much of anything- went to the park with Jamie where we got attacked by a caterpillar and made a huge scene. Then we went to Cookout (0ne of my new favorites) and were lazy until we went to team dinner. After that we played Nintendo 64 and watched Anastasia.
Saturday I woke up and took my roommate Lindsey to get her keys and then to get her car because she had lost them both the night before (don't ask how that happens...). Then we got all dressed up in our orange and white and headed to campus to tailgate. It was so so so so hot. I was so so so so sweaty. Nicole and I contemplated just staying back and watching the game on tv, but when everyone started leaving we figured we should just go. Who knew that in just an hour or so we would be no longer soaked in sweat, but soaked by the rain and freezing cold. It was kind of miserable being packed in to small areas and pushed up body to body with drunk strangers but it all makes for good memories. I, along with everyone else, missed seeing the team run out of the T. It was only the second time since they started the tradition that they did not do it. After the game we grabbed some pizza and watched more football.
[Before pictures:]

[After pictures:]

Sunday was BOOMSDAY. One of my favorite days of the year. And to think I almost missed it... Thankfully Chelcie was just as (maybe even more) adamant about getting there as I was, so we made it to the perfect location (where all our friends already were) just two minutes before the fireworks started. We had made dinner (taco pizza) and dessert that we invented (churros- kind of) beforehand while we were supposed to be studying- it ended up being delicious! We made Jamie eat with us and then she came along with us as we dressed up as rednecks and headed downtown. After the fireworks, we headed to the annual boomsday dance party which was so much fun (and so much sweat) as always.

Monday was Labor Day and we had a huge lake day planned... but it didn't stop raining all night Sunday or all day Monday. Literally a consistent downpour. So we headed to some of our friends' house and watched three movies, four episodes of The Office, ate pizza, and made brownies- productivity at it's finest. But I loved every minute of it.
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