I know, I know- it's been a while...
Thanksgiving was wonderful and such a great reminder of how blessed I am. Also a reminder of how strange my family is. Gotta love em. My mom invited this new lady at her work to come to our Thanksgiving lunch at Aunt Cindy's so we picked her up and on our way my mom was telling this lady who all would be there. This is when I really realized how weird it is.
"So you know it's not my family, it's my ex husband's, but they're every bit as dysfunctional as my own. Ed and I are compatible. Delaney's an only child. Well... sorta. She has a half sister- Ed's other daughter. With his other ex wife. Olivia's a wild 7 year old."and she continued to go on about Milt, my cousin's fraternity grandfather, and all the other random people that could possibly show up.
Today I went to the mall to volunteer at the Angel Tree like I have every year for as long as I can remember. People watching on Black Friday is always entertaining. Chelcie and fam came and visited for a little while, and then I went and met my mom for lunch. My car is pretty much completely out of gas. The light's been on for a while and the needle's at E. So my plan was to get my dad to drive my car... but he still hasn't. Meaning I'm either stuck at his house or going to have to buy my own.
The other night Nicole and I made buffalo chicken pizza. It called for GORGONZOLA, PARMESAN, SMOKED CHEDDAR, MONTEREY JACK and bleu cheese, but we decided just to use cheddar and jack. We substituted ranch dressing for the bleu cheese and used a rotisserie chicken and pilsbury dough instead of making our own. It was really good. Just ask Beezy. He came over to have some and loves my blog so I figured I'd give him another shout out. Something else he really loves is Hannah Montana.
Matt is leaving for Rome ridiculously soon and it makes me so sad to think about, but I am so dang excited for him. What a cool experience! And he promised to call every day (ha). I don't think he realizes yet just how much he's going to miss me!
Chelcie called me when she got home from the mall to see if I had gotten my acceptance/rejection letter from the Education program. She told me she had gotten in so I was a little nervous to hear my results. As I was dialing my mom's number to ask if it had come in the mail, I received a call from her and answered by saying, "You can open it." Turns out that IS why she was calling... so she opened it, read it to me, and I got accepted!! So now Chelcie, Nicole, and I are all in the Education program at UT and scheduled to intern in the Fall of 2012. We're growing up too fast, folks.
I probably won't be blogging a whole lot the next few weeks because I really need to be studying for finals. Yuck. And spending as much time with Matt as possible before he leaves me!
I'm blogging from my dad's computer or you know there'd be a picture. Another problem with my dad's computer... it doesn't spell check for me as I go like my computer does. So forgive any typos seeing as there are probably even more than usual!
The blog about what I'm thankful for will have to come another time because there's so much! and this post is already way too random.