Even though I'm still not technically done with school because I am about to start grad school (in 8 days), it is still a weird transition. I feel like I am supposed to be so... grown up now... and I don't want to be! "They" aren't kidding when "they" tell you to stay in school as long as you can! I'm really stressed out about the upcoming school year because I will be a [almost] full time teacher as well as a full time graduate student. Ahhhh. But I have to trust that the Lord will provide strength, energy, and joy throughout the long, long days... because He
is going to. Since I didn't even walk at graduation and I know what I'm doing next year it doesn't seem as real as my friends living the #lifeoftheunemployed, but it is still a little bit scary!
Since summer began I have not been doing much of anything besides moving into a new house with four of my best friends (the house is not new to all of them), shopping, babysitting, and a few big events like...
- The Chick-fil-a grand opening where I camped out with some great company for 52 free combo meals. (Pictures stolen from Matt.)
- The drive-in where I accidentally spit water all over Der because Chelcie made me laugh.

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