Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Way too often I become comfortable. I think it typically happens during the summer because I don't have a set schedule and life seems to be pretty "worry-free." I get so caught up in unimportant things that I am not yearning for growth in my relationship with the Lord. Life is good- I babysit, hang out with friends, eat (a lot), spend time with family, sleep... but it's nothing like having a schedule of classes. The only structure is that I babysit every Monday and almost every Tuesday and go to church on Sundays. For some reason this makes it more difficult for me to have a structured daily time with the Lord... seems like it'd be easier since I don't have many things that I have to do. I get so caught up in reading books or reading blogs that I nearly forget that I need to read my Bible and end up doing it right before I go to bed when I'm too tired to even comprehend. Occasionally I'll even just "put it off" til the next day which usually means I'll end up skipping that days completely. The worst part is that I'm entirely aware of it all and still let it happen.

Thank goodness my God is so merciful. Obviously I am so unworthy of His grace and His love, but He continues to remind me so frequently just how much he loves and desires me for some reason that I will never completely understand. It is amazing that I continually run back to Him apologizing, and He accepts me each time with open arms. It makes me feel that much more guilty! But the beauty is that I don't have to because He has taken that guilt upon Himself. It's an ongoing cycle of me daily messing up and Him constantly forgiving me and loving me. Amazing.

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